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Compost bin kitchen: Helpful tips for composting

Published on June 3, 2022 from

Waste separation is one of the most important methods of disposing of waste in a sustainable way. It enables recycling and thus the careful use of resources. Different types of waste are produced in the household. Our X-LINE waste system makes it easier to separate waste correctly. You can also find a compost bin for the kitchen here. But correct composting needs to be learned. We provide you with helpful tips.

What can go in the compost bin in the kitchen?

Not all kitchen waste can be composted. Only certain scraps are allowed in the compost bin in the kitchen. If you want to use the waste as compost yourself, the aim is to produce humus. This will fertilize your plants and avoid the use of chemical fertilizers.

These waste products are ideal for composting:

  • Kitchen waste
  • Herbaceous garden waste and grass cuttings
  • Egg and fruit shells
  • Droppings from small animals
  • Poisonous plants
  • Prunings
Poisonous plants are not a problem in your compost bin. They decompose into their non-toxic components and, in combination with the other waste, make a good fertilizer.

Weeds, on the other hand, should be handled with care. Some of the plants develop their seeds during flowering and use them to reproduce in the compost. However, if they have not yet flowered, there is no danger. On the other hand, there are root weeds that you should throw directly into the organic waste garbage can but not use for composting. These include ground elder and couch grass.

Plants infested by fungi are not a problem. The infestation is not sufficiently robust and decays in a short time, just like animal pests. However, you should be careful with vegetable flies, root gall moths and leaf miners, as they feel at home in compost.

What must not go in the compost bin in the kitchen? 

At first glance, some types of waste appear to be ideal for composting - after all, they are also kitchen waste. However, this is not entirely true. Wood ash, for example, may only be put in the compost bin in the kitchen with reservations. This is because pollutants and heavy metals may have accumulated in the ash.

Small quantities are only permitted if the packaging says "heavy metal-free". Even then, you must not use alcohol or chemical firelighters or allow oil or grease to drip onto the charcoal. If you are unsure about this, it is better to avoid composting and use the garbage can for organic waste or hazardous waste.

No food scraps in the compost

You should never put leftover food in the compost bin, even if it seems logical at first glance. Caution is advised here. This applies in particular to animal waste - regardless of whether it is certified organic meat and rots quickly. This waste attracts rats, which you cannot easily get rid of once they have taken up residence.

Dry bread in small quantities also processes compost well, unlike oils and other fats. This means that all foods that you serve with dressing, fry or roast should be eliminated.

Pet droppings and cut flowers have no place in compost

While droppings from herbivorous small animals are not a problem, you should not put the droppings of dogs, cats or birds in the compost. Cat litter contains fragrances and has no place here. In addition, the droppings of carnivores can sometimes contain worms and parasites or drug residues. They survive the decomposition process and then end up in the bed.

Cut flowers often contain pesticides that are not broken down by the rotting process. However, if they are flowers from your own garden, they can go in the compost bin in the kitchen.

What makes composting easier besides the compost bin in the kitchen?

If you want to process your own kitchen waste at home, a composter that you place in the garden will help you. Shred the materials before composting so that they decompose more quickly. If you frequently produce woody waste, for example from pruning, you should consider purchasing a shredder.

Also make sure you have a balanced mix. Microorganisms ensure the rotting process and require a varied supply of nutrients. This is supported by moisture. The small organisms need water for their activities, too little air in turn causes rotting. The rule of thumb is: the compost should only be as wet as a squeezed sponge.
Also make sure you have a balanced mix. Microorganisms ensure the rotting process and require a varied supply of nutrients. This is supported by moisture. The small organisms need water for their activities, too little air in turn causes rotting. The rule of thumb is: the compost should only be as wet as a squeezed sponge.

Additives can improve or accelerate the rotting process, although this also applies to extracts from wild herbs. Nettle broth is ideal for this. Also turn the compost regularly. This will shift materials from the edge to the inside. This is where the rotting process takes place most quickly and you also facilitate aeration.

The BOXX compost bin offers these advantages for your kitchen

Müllex offers compost bins for your kitchen that support the complex provision of compostable materials. You can simply remove the models from the frame and use them as collection containers on the kitchen table as required. Place two to three layers of kitchen paper inside to collect liquids. This makes subsequent cleaning easier.

Another advantage is the size of the product. Without air and due to the moisture, the waste quickly causes an unpleasant odor. You can empty the small container regularly - either at your composting site or at the collection point for green waste. Leave the lid open and only use it for transportation to ensure air exchange.
Another advantage is the size of the product. Without air and due to the moisture, the waste quickly causes an unpleasant odor. You can empty the small container regularly - either at your composting site or at the collection point for green waste. Leave the lid open and only use it for transportation to ensure air exchange.

Do away with plastic bags. The BOXX compost bin for the kitchen works well without bin liners. If you decide to use them anyway, then only use biodegradable versions. Plastic does not decompose and should therefore not be put in the household compost or in the green waste bin. Alternatively, you can put the bucket in the dishwasher without any problems.

Correct waste separation with compost bins in the kitchen

Correct waste separation provides the basis for environmental protection and resource-saving recycling. Switzerland is the third largest producer of waste in the world. This makes it all the more important to strive for almost complete waste recycling.
The X-LINE waste system provides a good basis for correct separation in the kitchen. An individual and customized composition is a convenient method for separating waste. It often fails because of the number of bins required. These are often bulky and get in the way, or do not fill up quickly enough or too quickly. The system is a perfect solution.

The X-LINE waste system provides a good basis for correct separation in the kitchen. An individual and customized composition is a convenient method for separating waste. It often fails because of the number of bins required. These are often bulky and get in the way, or do not fill up quickly enough or too quickly. The system is a perfect solution.

Whether under the sink or in a separate drawer directly in the kitchen - create your own waste separation system. You can also store waste garbage cans inconspicuously in other places. Various sizes are available. The basis is a large main bin, for example for packaging. You can combine various smaller containers as required.

Do you have any further questions about the X-LINE waste garbage cans? Or do you need help putting together a suitable system? Get in touch with us and let us advise you in detail!



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